mercredi 28 mars 2007

SalTimer, Aqua, Events and Co

Working on refresh and events handler recoding, in aquavcl01, I had questions about the role of SalTimer events. Philip Lohman answered to the mac port team and I got lights on this part of OOo.

Now I see how I will sanely plug my work on native MacOSX drawing events (windows and HIView controls).

Hopefully, SalTimer will not be used anymore for drawing in aquavcl01. We will use compositing to manage hidden/shown part of windows, thus BitmapContext should become useless too.

I'll work hard to deliver a patch to the mac@OO, before the mid-april...

Sebastien PLISSON

mardi 13 mars 2007

Problem in context with hiview

Icons in toolbar are upside down... prblem of coordinate because context come from hiviews...

mardi 6 mars 2007

About and CTRL+SDT

Scrolling is slow in about box : CTRL+SDT

But button is correct.

Refresh and need for speed

Replaced InvalWindowRect with HIViewSetNeedsDisplayInRect, that works well either.

Draw to CGLayerContext, then draw CGLayer to mrContext to benefit of Quatrz caching.

Set the blinking cursor, and get it running nice between chars !

lundi 5 mars 2007

Better refresh and CGLayer

With the help of Paveljanik, I was able to get better screen refresh !

For now, I added immediate zone refresh for teh zone where I draw text in salatslayout.

I added two methods to AquaSalGraphics : RefreshWindow (ask to refresh entire window -> slow) and RefreshRect (ask to refresh a zone)

The results are good when text typing.

I still have not been able to reproduce my old configuration where cursor was visible and moving real time between chars... but I guess I'm not so far from a good surprise !

I also reintroduced the CGLayer, as I better understood the roel of mrBitmapContext wit hteh help of Pavel.
I'll have to fix some code inorder the mrCGLayerContext to be initialized on time when used by methods using mrBitmapContext.

I need a some time to do that, but I'm confident...

I need some explanation on when the CGContextTranslateCTM is preserved or lost, because I have funny behaviour :
1) everything is drawn correctly with CGLayer
2) a second after (refresh ?) everything is upside down (in fact th text is still in the right sense but lines are drawn in invert order)
.... funny and weird ;-)

To be continued

jeudi 1 mars 2007

CGLayer at the beginning...svdem_tool

It s not good for the moement...